Q8 If you are working outside of your current financial aid assessment tool for COVID-19 aid requests, what criteria/formula are you using to assess a family’s ability to pay?
- Documentation of loss of income.
- We want to provide support to families facing hardship and we have support from board, but we are not exactly sure how it will be funded.
- The majority of our applicants for the emergency funds are full pay families, so instead of looking at ability to pay, we are looking at how they have been affected by Covid-19, and are asking for documentation in the form of bank statements or monthly earning reports to demonstrate the relative impact. We are also not offering awards of more than $20,000 to any family.
- Case by case
- The refund issue is also a topic that would be interesting to survey – maybe I missed it — Appeals are obviously a moving target but determining true hardship vs. inconvenience is the task – our restaurant owners are slammed, execs in some industries not at all so we have to treat it like the movie “Its a wonderful life” (at the end) and hope that families with hardship committed to returning can work with us as we work to help them get through it.
- Case by case conversations. Priority given to current families.
- We are doing a combination of the standard application but more often a written letter with some backup documentation to support what it claims.
- Case by case basis with supporting documents of various forms
- Level of detail dependent on amount/duration of need


I think it is still too early to answer some of these questions effectively. Many answers will be different two months out.
Very worried about the visa situation and if students can’t get here for the start of the 20-21 school year if they will choose to stay home.
I wish I could answer question #6 regarding what we will allow in terms of late start or refund and credits with any certainty but we simply have not had these conversations at a high enough level for me to report what we might do. I can guarantee that my HOS will want to know what others are doing before we make a move so data you collect over time will be most helpful.
We are receiving questions about whether or not students will be able to get F-1 visas, but I have no information about F-1 visas being reduced. Does anyone else? Thanks.
We have not made any decisions about the fall at this point but all the scenarios above are being discussed.
F 1 Visa Issues?
I am currently unable to answer questions #6. We are still discussing options
I want to be able to see the future! I don’t know where we are going to be (shelter in place, visa processing, travel restrictions) by fall. Optimistically, there seems to be enough time to get past the travel, visa, and health issues. On the other hand, we truly don’t know how this will play out.
With regards to “we expect to charge a reduced fee or issue a refund or credit…,” we have not made this determination yet but are keeping it open as an option.